Tuesday, December 1, 2009

You can be your own attorney...

Most people need legal representation but cannot afford attorneys.

In many, many areas, a person can learn to represent themselves.

In order to represent yourself, you must become familiar with Constitutional Principles, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and your local rules of Civil Procedure.

Depending upon the state in which you live, those rules of Civil Procedure may be referred to in different ways.

Next, one must become familiar with Federal Law (The U.S. Code, the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations)) and state and local laws.

Most states publish their state's laws on the internet. Many local laws are also published on the internet.

Most state counties have what is called a "county seat," that functions as the center of government for that county in the state.

In order to represent yourself, you must become familiar with the state government and the state court system. It is imperative that you do this in order to be able to properly bring a case before a judge, and have a reasonable expectation he/she will rule in your favor on the matter you bring before them.

This blog will show you how to represent yourself, both in dealings with other parties and their attorneys, and in the courts.